Periodically , I read the optimism of many on Cytodyn board for Vyrologix as the delta virus takes hold and infections/hospitalizations rise. Yet , I have seen enough failure from government bureaucracies, not just the FDA, but from just about every federal agency involved in the Afghanistan crisis, to know we still have an uphill battle in the US to get our drug over the finish line for Covid. The country “experts” are still focused on vaccines and boosters of the vaccines as the solution. Texas at least is moving monoclonals into play to avoid hospitalizations. But at the National level, These federal agencies are incompetent….so I have little faith that we will see any acceleration for Virologix getting an EUA in the US. We are totally dependent on Brazil right now . The good news is I believe we have enough Information from our previous trials to excel in Brazil.time will tell on the Long Hailers trial here in the states but we need to see a shift in the mindset of the FDA. With Woodcock as a lame duck there may be a sliver of hope that the agency will have a different approach to true breakthru drugs like Vyrologix and will figure out how to get his drug to people who are suffering today with Covid