I don’t like putting up with any bullshit negative posts when I see someone is always soft bashing or worse I would prefer to delete them. Hhgambler actually private messaged me asking to give you a chance here and others on occasion. Same when Cdiddy was in charge of this board. I think maybe you want to see better in people and I think maybe I see right through people quicker, however I let controversial posts stay up longer as of late and hope the other moderates will take offense to some of them and delete. To let some people ventilate etc is one thing but I have done this with several others and they take advantage of those posts not getting deleted to spread more FUD. Everyone tries to be as open and fair as possible on this board and with so many bashers it’s not easy sometimes to know if someone genuinely has a concern or worry. However when all the same people continuously post I’m nervous, I’m concerned, many other ways to try and spread FUD is just one of the tactics they use. Let’s keep this board a board for longs, longs should care about getting approvals for HIV and Covid and I think we’re def headed on the right path and will be very different soon. The bashers will have to shift into complaining that the billions in revenue CYDY takes in is still less than Gilead etc…..