Hey ER, 'Why would I add until I know these ass
Post# of 151031

'Why would I add until I know these assholes are not going to get away with stealing Leronlimab from under us, or seriously devaluing our stock further by acquiring InCellDX?'
I am adding because the price is being supressed by short sellers borrowing shares from the 13D trying to discourage longs into selling their shares and/or voting against current management.
So right now is a great time to buy at a huge discount.
And, each share I buy is another vote for current management... All longs that are going to vote for current management I would strongly encourage to buy whatever shares you can afford so we have a landslide vote in September letting Big Pharma know we are united and they better pay up quick if they do not want to be left behind...
Recknor is a man on a mission, Nader is a man with a vision, and Kelly knows how to bring it together...
Like my favorite econ professor told me many years ago
'every dollar you spend is a vote for what you would like to see in the future'