The FDA's mission statement is "to protect the American Public from Toxic drugs with adverse effects." or in this particular case NO EFFECT. The reduced plaque has not been proven to assist/prevent the disease...the FDA currently is a dismal failure comparing action with Thalidomide versus non-action with oxycontin. Their mantra is lost their continued failure to PROTECT the sick and vulnerable from the current "Snake Oil" produced from medium to large Pharmaceutical companies that continually belly up to the bar...with open arms to the 15,000 employees at the FDA almost guaranteed jobs once they've finished their stint at the home office.
The FDA does not guarantee that drugs that come to the USA market actually help Americans live longer or better lives...while at the same time, the FDA insists on interfering in the market and setting ARBITRARY STANDARDS for approval. AducanuMAB is a prime example of the internal discord at the FDA. And yet... this is the world's, Gold Standard...