In case others here were not invested when Anthony Carrociolo was running things, I can tell you this is a colossal waste of time. Anthony did absolutely nothing in 18 months. Virtually all of this investment group is made up of individuals that either bought shares under $1 or were given there shares. It is unbelievable that these morons can’t see there own portfolios and get that the current management got this company moving forward. I’m all for skilled people coming forward to push thing further if possible, but this is just a bunch of bitter rich guys.
We are holding the future of an extremely important drug for humanity, this is a distraction that no reasonable person would pursue for anything more than being selfish.
I hAte to say this, but this is looking like the end of the dream that this company will get this drug to market soon. We are now looking at 3 months of arguing over who should be running things rather that getting this done. Infighting will take all attention away from the whole reason we invested. This is sad.