If anyone read things I had posted about ENZC in the past they would see I was not a supporter of this stock. My problems stemmed from what I referred to as a fake office in The Fort Worth area and an email from pre-clinical studies at A&M University stating they did not know this company. Before you say who are you? Why would anyone care what you say anyway? I am absolving myself of the things I previously posted in the past by telling a new truth that just revealed itself to me. I made a new friend yesterday that proved I was both uninformed and wrong. A&M was bound by Non-disclosure and Enzc is doing research there, and the cure for HIV is real. The science behind Dr. Cotropia's Fully human anti-Hiv monoclonal antibodies and its ability to target numerous infectious diseases are unique to him. The following is an email from him that explains how I Met ENZC's key researcher on an unrelated matter and he explained these things to me.
White Paper” published with INTEL
Dear Pat & Michael:
Good evening. Attached is the publication I believe is on INTEL’s website that was published yesterday, May 14th. It is a good read. We all contributed to putting it together.
It was such a fortuitous exchange with you this afternoon when I arrived to pick up the two kittens. Rest assure kind Sir we will create a good home for them both. We are cat souls and the two babies are resting on a bed surveying their new surroundings.
My guess is they will be more hungry than normal given the change of venue they just experienced.
Many blessings to you both for keeping these little creatures safe and sound. They will settle in during the next few days and they will have no loss for company with us around to tend to their immediate needs.
Feel free to reach out to me anytime to inquire about their status. We are delighted to have them on board!