When your personal investment AND humanity suffers at the hands of corrupt gatekeepers, it's a struggle to keep an even keel. When you wear your emotions on your sleeve, as I've been accused of too many times, even sanity can become a challenge! Walk away and take a deep breath, Pluto ... reassemble your marbles and revisit the issue later with hopefully a clearer perspective. Good advice until the next time the shiite hits the fan and the unravelling begins anew. You don't wanna leave with all the promise and proof this drug embodies but you don't wanna stay and fight an army of Godzillas blocking the path to the goldmine. I've wondered, with all the ambulance chasers lined up to sue the company for malfeasance, what will it take for a legit law firm take the initiative to sue the FDA and BP for conspiracy to defraud or other RICO violations?