I wish I could apologize to NP for the level of shareholder he has to deal with. Kudos to him for handling the questions with grace, but my goodness a conference call is not the place to try and promote your conspiracy theories and attempt to bring Np along for the ride. Yes let's try to get him to publicly say how much he hates the FDA that should surely help with future indications. Surprised the investors had internet connection in their bunker to post the question. Did they listen to the call on ham radio?
90% of the questions seem useless or repeats. Liked the executive updates, lots of good progress, but could barely stand the investor questions. I can take the repeats because many people want to know the same thing, but the subject of most was pointless. I almost want the company to uplist just so Nader can deal with institutional investors instead of this. ( I would also take the presumed bump in share price)