$FTXP Foothills Exploration forms new subsidiary t
Post# of 40346

Mar. 30, 2021 2:37 PM ETFoothills Exploration, Inc. (FTXP)By: Khyathi Dalal, SA News Editor
Foothills Exploration (OTCPK:FTXP +30.8%), including its direct and indirect subsidiaries, announced the formation of a new subsidiary, New Energy Ventures for participating in the transformation of the energy sector.
With focus on power generation and oil field clean-tech applications, New Energy Ventures' mission involves partnering with entrepreneurial and talented management teams for developing different technologies for a sustainable and energy efficient low carbon future.
Currently, the company is working on a strategic plan to exploit its Wind River Basin project in Fremont County, Wyoming; plans to actively pursue other natural gas projects.
https://seekingalpha.com/news/3677736-foothil...m=referral $FTXP

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