$SNWR Sanwire Corporation, a diversified company with a focus on the entertainment industry, has been involved in aggregating technologies for a number of years. We look for opportunities in fragmented markets, where technology can be applied to consolidate services into a single platform of delivery. For more information, visit sanwirecorporation.com. Intercept Music, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Sanwire Corporation, is an entertainment technology company that sells and markets its product offering utilizing the Software as a Service ("SaaS"
model. In the crowded music marketplace today, 12 million artists are competing for fans and audiences that have almost unlimited access to music, whether from streaming services or online retailers. Intercept's software platform delivers an unsurpassed combination of distribution, marketing and expert coaching, empowering artists to connect with new audiences, measure their results and distribute and monetize their music like never before. For more information, visit interceptmusic.com.https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/SNWR/profile