UNVC4ever, a $49 entry fee is nothing, and if you think this is pay to play you need to go back to school. As for the final payment of around $1,400 that sounds like the cost of the judges and various expenses (travel compensation and so forth). Nothing out of the ordinary from what I can see. As for who might nominate. You may have a point there because I don't see any restrictions. However, the point may be mutt in my opinion because you still have a world-wide competition and a panel of independent judges. I also suspect other contestants might have a say about the process. I will tell you that if I were in the running, I would seriously want to know why I didn't win, and why someone else did. So there does appear to be checks and balances to this process.
My question is how can a panel of judges know why Dalton is entered as well as other contestants and we know nothing at all. If Dalton is dark, then there must be some kind of loop hole that allows him to tell some and not others. And, why would shareholders in his company be the last to know anything at all.