That was my initial thought. However if you been watching social media and how it can affect stock market long enough you will see that there is a correlation. If it was completely ineffective you wouldn’t see the day in and day out outright negative BS that is posted on different social media platforms/boards. It also explains why Adam Falsestein and his minions continue to bash CYDY everyday. They use to have much more of an effect on CYDY especially when prices were higher like 6+ they could scare weak hands, they have little effect now but it’s all they have, they have tried with 87 lawsuits the past month I think possibly closer to 100 bogus fake advertisement lawsuits. So I will continue to call out the negative posts for the BS they are, this board is for investors not day flippers ,shorts or paid bashers. You want to complain about CYDY all the time and never happy about one thing or another go to IHUB board Sorry -not sorry