A bit of history. By FDA standards the first trial of penicillin was a total failure. !00% of the trial patients died after the first dose. The FDA would never have allowed the use of penicillin in this country based on the statistics from 1941. The trial consisted of one British policeman facing certain death from blood poisoning. Unfortunately the Oxford scientists were only able to isolate enough penicillin for 1 dose. Even though he showed dramatic improvement after one dose he died within 14 days as there was no way to continue treatment. Since the FDA and big pharma were not in control the Oxford doctors were not jailed. Instead they continued their work and the world got penicillin and they got a Nobel Prize. They also upset their investors because they refused to patent penicillin and gave to the world for free. What a bunch of fools. Thank god we now have the FDA to protect us from such folly in our time of need.