$BLIS under direction of the new Operations Manager Kane Fisher, has been conducting search, scan, recovery and acquisition operations of new and known treasure shipwreck recovery sites off the East Coast of Florida. The Company's crew under the Captaincy of Tim Wilson, being led by Kane Fisher has spent numerous days of scanning areas using the Companies acquired technologies. The TSR team has used and will continue to use its magnetometer abilities and other confidential search technologies on several sites over the last two months. TSR has made a significant recovered acquisition of certain objects, including one that which is suspected to contain large precious gemstone materials that has been expertly examined, and its makeup will be announced shortly.
The Company has partnered with permitted partners for certain sites, which will be announced, as TSR uses its crews and vessel abilities to continue to gather artifacts and new acquisitions of precious items that will be announced in the near future as well. Such area as where the gemstone and other coins were found will be subject to in depth projects and searches with TSR and its partners. Some of the operations and acquired items will be displayed in the near future.