Some TedJ speculating elsewhere: Excerpts My view
Post# of 22454
My view is that the QTMM share structure is fluid until the Kansas case is decided. The last 10-Q filing acknowledged the lawsuits but did not reserve any shares for potential pay outs.
If QMC "wins" and does not need to pay out in shares, then the number of outstanding shares would be below the Authorized Shares.
If QMC "loses", then how many shares could they have to pay out to L2 & SBI? 20M, 50M, 100M? The other problem is if QMC pays out in shares, then other note holders may also be owed more shares due keep whole clauses, etc. and they could be over the A/S.
So I see them in limbo, waiting to see how to address the over all share structure and what needs to be done to resolve any issues.
If Ted is right, the court's decision is needed to help determine Pasaca's 51 percent and when the deal can proceed.