Agree & to some extent I believe their is a somewhat organized group of shorts & flippers. The stock was overbought for some time. Great news would have negated the effect of this on sp. But not pretty good news.IMO, That's what we got-so far.(I keep thinking about minutes 17 -21 yesterday & the whole conditional EUA or revenue thing.) I think a big part of the sell-off is about the covid cult investors believing that the huge gain potential for anything covid related is over & are looking for the next big thing. Of late that seems to be pot, AGAIN. But now the stock is oversold, the cult investors are leaving. The remaining investors will not be so easily manipulated.Some will say that covid was a complete waste of time. But what about the new investors we gained(count me) because of covid that chose to stay the course because of what they learned. I am not ready to dismiss the covid portion of this investment, as I feel we are much closer to revenue than we think.Not the kind that put's us to triple digits, but plenty to fund trials & expand. i do not expect sp to drop much more, but I did spend the daylight hours after work along the roadside picking up beer cans,just in case. GLTA.