Daytime Respert, you forgot something else with the appreciation of our shares once we get an approval and we uplist to the Nasdaq. It's 1.) Anticipation! This should start to help CYDY stock appreciate very soon IMO. 2.) Not only that, think about the youngsters like X-generation, and the millennials who trade stocks on Reditt, Robinhood and Wallstreet Bets and add in a dash of those that have not been able to make best on sports like they used to and pile into CYDY. Once they hear about our success, they will jump in so fast that they'll lose their pants running so hard to get a piece of the action. The only bad thing there is that CYDY stock will become much more volatile it would be hard to exit when we want to, IF we want to exit but that is yet another strategy to deal with as we move forward, right?
Time will tell Mr. Respert so GLTU and thanks for all you do to lighten up our anxiety with this waiting on results/data -