In time of the financial apocalypse and inevitable
Post# of 1088
Is real estate good inflation hedge?
House or condo price may skyrocket to multiple million dollars but most people are broke, only a few rich ones can afford them, the worth of your real estate is only in paper, if you cannot sell your real estate, you have no money to pay for your rising cost of living.
Are antiques good inflation hedge?
There are few cognoscenti around, again there may be a price but hardly any buyers, it is hard to sell them.
Are gold coin, gold jewelry good inflation hedge?
Certainly, gold is real money, gold is the last safe haven in time of financial apocalpyse. But valuation of jewelry can deviate widely and it is difficult to use jewelry in business transaction. In fact, gold coins will be preferred over fiat paper money, gold coin was first real money in human history.
Will gold bars and potential gold mining stocks be good inflation hedge?
Certainly, just like Bitcoin, gold bars and gold mining stocks have values and like Bitcoin they do not need to be physically transferred in business transaction, just sell a few shares of gold stock and pay for what you need, there will be no liquidity problem as in other forms of inflation hedge.