1.20% insider ownership o.oo % short interest o.
Post# of 350
o.oo % short interest
o.oo% Intitutional interest.
577..08 float
577.13 os
your numbers are pretty spot on. not much more you can you do as far calculation.
its gotta just run its course.
Float percentage of total shares outstanding is the percentage of float shares relative to the total shares outstanding. As of today, Creative Medical Technology Holdings's float shares is 577.08 Mil. Creative Medical Technology Holdings's total shares outstanding is 577.13 Mil. Creative Medical Technology Holdings's float percentage of total shares outstanding is 99.99%.
Insider Ownership is the percentage of shares that are owned by company insiders relative to the total shares outstanding. As of today, Creative Medical Technology Holdings's Insider Ownership is 1.20%.
Institutional Ownership is the percentage of shares that are owned by institutions out of the total shares outstanding. As of today, Creative Medical Technology Holdings's Institutional Ownership is 0.00%.
Short Percentage of Float is the percentage of shares shorted compared to the float. As of today, Creative Medical Technology Holdings's Short Percentage of Float is 0.00%.