Just as share consolidation happens when outstanding share becomes too diluted, coming currency consolidation is inevitable as stream of paper money or digital currency floods the financial market around the world. During the Great Depression of 1930's in China, inflation was so rampant that prices changed by week than by day then by hour, 300 old Yuan was replaced by a New Yuan, but shortly afterward, 200 former New Yuan was replaced by another New Yuan, forcing increasing number of citizens into poverty. With American national debt over 106% GDP and rising and with continuous currency dilution, it will be alarming to look towards the future. One can imagine the only solution for the government is to inflate itself out of debt and what happened in China could happen in America. Gold and potential mining stocks will be the only safe haven in time of financial and economic crisis and uncertainty, those not preparing for the inevitable will be forced into poverty as they struggle to survive amid erosion of purchasing power of paper money.