edbi46 Tuesday, 02/02/21 07:09:23 AM Post # of
Post# of 8123

Post # of 250830
Viva La THEBIGSTICK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Viva La KELLY !!
Viva La KEITH !!
Viva La SREE !!
Viva La RICHARD !!
And of course - VIVA LA AW ( RIP ) -- that's right, no matter what anyone thinks, if not for Him and His vision we wouldn't have this AMAZING product, called ACTIPATCH !!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, He was, probably, a stubborn, aggressive fighter, He would not listen to suggestions from, lets say, "knowledgeable" business people, who He, probably and most surely, did NOT trust ( can anyone blame Him, after JN fiasco ), sure, "they" told Him, whatever, but in His mind, IMO, they all are trying to dethrone Him and take His prize from Him.......So, LA VIVA Andrew, Biel's Father and The Keeper !!!!!!!....................And, of course, not to forget..........Viva la Actipatch!!!!!!