I don't need to be on a message board for Avantor, Now, Nividia, IBM, ATT, Biomarin, P&G, Apple, Microsoft, Taiwan Semiconductor Pfizer, Sanofi, Merck, Oreilly, my ADR's. covered calls or ETF's or the 125 individual equities. Merrill manages that and I can get all my information from my wealth management account and the family office. I follow RLFTF, and CYDY through message boards because my wealth management account does not create data for penny stocks. I had to fight them to put the purchase order in. They felt that was part of their fiduciary duty. I also want to thank the obsessive nature of this group to keep me informed, although the occasional vulgar language is sometimes annoying.
If I crossed the line at times, I apologize, surgeons in particular are trained to react quickly and perhaps dislike disinformation more than other specialties.