I don’t believe these lying scum bags. Andrew Left Tim Sykes and other hedgefund guys. GME is still over 120% shorted only 10% have covered. These guys are taking out paid ads saying they are done shorting. They want to be forgotten, they want the masses to stop buying so that they can cover all the shares that they still have shorted. CYDY 30 million shares shorted. Thats yes a fact, also 50-75% of daily volume is short volume which means they have been controlling the price literally everyday except when great PR’s are released even then you must have seen days we went fed on great CYDY news or conference calls. The paid bashers and shirts will say it’s only 6% of the float etc. but when you have a very high number of longs that hold the only ones doing any selling are the shorts I like to say the hump each other back and fourth all day until big media starts making people more aware. I think Reddit will bring over allot of new investors before the rocket takes off in a couple days to a week.