Words of Wisdom for new Redditors. If you deci
Post# of 148278
If you decide you want to join Reddit, here are some words of advice to save you from the trolls.
Do not, engage with their accusations, such as '1 day old account', or other statements. They are personal attacks meant to create drama, which clutters up the thread. Just downvote them instead.
You do not need to explain yourself to anyone, just say what you believe, and leave it as is. I'm already seeing the harassment, and the group has grown significantly in the last 12 hours.
Join, however don't get sucked into the nonsense. Esp if you're a self described "old boomer". Take it from me, you Do Not need to justify yourself to anyone. Ever.
Take it from the "young person" in this forum, that your presence is welcomed, respected, and your voice is important, and valued.