12,000 in Israel out of 189,000 vaccinated with Ph
Post# of 148183
Phizer has always known about this probability. The vaccine seems to do well to prevent s/c symptoms, but infections with m/m symptoms are more common than we were led to believe.
It came out last week that while only 8 vaccinated became severe or critically infected, and 0 vaccinated folks died from covid-19, about 1594 out of the 20,000 vacinated in their one and only trial, displayed what Phizer labeled "Suspicious Infected" symptoms. These were folks who displayed mild or moderate covid-19 symptoms, but they were not tested, so you could say they did not test positive (hmm).
The Phizer/BNTX trial primary endpoint was testing positive and a display severe/critical symptoms. So they weren't concerned about m/m infections nor symptoms. Also, Phizer had to depend upon folks calling in if they had symptoms, so some with mild symptom or none, but who "would have" tested postive, were not included in the 1594.
Dr Fauci has emphasized, though not broadly, that the vaccines may only reduce the symptoms & prevent advancing to s/c, but not prevent infection, such that those 1594 (plus ???) can still spread the disease.
I can't decide whether or not to get a vaccine.