Scott Carr's facebook post continued: Trial #1:
Post# of 151031
Trial #1:
Pakistan / Dec 2020 / 100 patients in a Moderate to Severe trial:
All patients received a steroid drug:
35 - dexamethasone
65 - methylprednisolone
Of the 35, 15 patients advanced to severe stage and 6 died (40% mortality).
Of the 65, 22 patients advanced to severe stage and 10 died (45% mortality).
No time frame on trial.
Single-center study.
Some patients received other treatments at moderate stage (antibiotics, tocilizumab & convalescent plasma), which likely contributed to certain patients not escalating to severe stage.
Trial #2:
China / Jan-Feb 2020 / 382 patients with ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome (critical in nature):
226 patients received steroid.
156 patients received standard of care (SOC).
Of the 226 in drug arm, 135 died (59% mortality).
Of the 156 in the placebo arm, 68 died (43% mortality).
60-day mortality endpoint.
Single-center study.
Non-randomized trial.
Trial #3:
China / Nov 2020 / 774 patients with ARDS (critical):
409 patients received steroid.
365 patients in control group.
Of 490, 181 died (44%)
Of 365, 113 died (31%)
28-day mortality endpoint.
Trial #4:
Iran / Sept 2020 / 68 patients in severe trial:
34 patients received SOC & steroid
34 patients received just SOC
Endpoint is clinical improvement or death, whichever came first.
5.9% died in SOC/steroid arm before showing any clinical improvement.
43% died in SOC arm before showing any clinical improvement.
There is no data about how many patients died overall since no long-term effects were recorded and no definitive timeframe was assigned to the trial. Thus, this trial doesn’t conclusively examine overall mortality in these 68 patients, but rather at what point in the infection do they show a shift in condition, which can result in a relapse.
Trial #5:
12 countries / Sept 2020 / 1703 patients in critical trial:
678 patients received steroid.
1025 patients received SOC.
Of 678, 222 died (33% mortality)
Of 1024, 425 died (41% mortality)
28-day mortality endpoint.
Trial #6:
NYC / Aug 2020 / 1806 patients:
140 patients received steroids.
1666 patients received no steroids.
This was an observational trial to examine effects within 48 hours as it relates to mortality rate or need for ventilation.
No morality data provided in the 2-day timeline.
Trial #7:
Brazil / Aug 2020 / 416 patients in confirmed or suspected Covid-19 infection trial (393 patients ended up having Covid-19):
194 patients received steroid.
199 patients received placebo.
Of 194, 72 died (37% mortality).
Of 199, 76 died (38% mortality).
28-day mortality endpoint.
Single-center study.
Trial #8:
U.K. / July 2020 / 6425 patients in recovery trial. Not all patients were severe/critical.
2104 patients received steroid & SOC.
4321 patients received just SOC.
Of 2104, 482 died (23% mortality).
Of 4321, 1110 died (26% mortality).
28-day mortality endpoint.
Non-randomized trial.
Not all patients had proved to be infected with Covid-19, thus the total number of patients in each arm do not represent a holistic s/c trial.
Trial #9:
China / May 2020 / 201 patients with the possibility to advance to ARDS trial:
Of 201 patients, 84 patients developed ARDS.
Of 84, 50 received steroid.
Of 84, 34 did not received steroid.
Of 50, 23 died (46% mortality).
Of 34, 21 died (62% mortality).
Single-center study.
Only patients with severe disease (84) were hospitalized.
Trial #10:
USA / May 2020 / 213 patients with moderate to severe trial:
81 patients received SOC.
132 patients received steroid.
Endpoint is escalation of care from ward to ICU.
No mortality data recorded.
Non-randomized trial.
Many patients received other treatments (lopinavir-ritonavir, ribavirin, hydroxychloroquine, tocilizumab).