$MDMP MDM Permian, Inc.Vertical Well Assessments C
Post# of 23609

Carrollton, Texas, December 30, 2020 -MDM Permian Inc. (OTCPK: MDMP) today has announced that Nutech Energy Alliance Corporation, of Houston Texas, has delivered the workup and analysis of the next two wells (A #1 and A #2) on the Lindley A lease. The workup on the A #3 well has been received and reviewed in November. All the wells in the area have produced primarily from the Canyon Sands. We have so far identified two additional possible commercial reservoirs in our 1st three well assessments, estimated at over 500,000 barrels of producible oil. The Advanced Reservoir Characterization is not only crucial to the planning of the completion of the existing wells on the Lindley leases, but also an important factor for future drilling and completion plans on surrounding acreage at the Lindley ranch. As such, we have also sent NuTech a log from a well on the adjoining lease, the Herman Lindley 59-1. All the reservoir data will then be combined to create an accurate earth model of the area. Work will start to proceed on the 3 wells at the Lindley A lease, immediately after the New Year holiday. The work will be done in three phases. 1) Place a plug above the Canyon Sands, fill the hole with water and log the three wells with CBL and CCL to determine exactly where the top of cement is currently, and identify where to cut off the existing production casing. 2) Re-enter wells to cut off production casing, replace with new casing, cement into place. Re-build the A lease tank battery at the bottom of the mountain (at the 6103 well, tank site) rather than the existing location at the top of the mountain. 3) New CBL to determine bond at perforation points along with new CCL to help identify and spot perforations. Complete wells with modest slick water frack jobs. MDM Energy, Inc. is proud to announce that the first run of oil is being prepared from the Lindley leases. The account has been set up with Sunoco through Energy Transfer. Sunoco is strapping the tanks and assigning tank numbers prior to picking up the load that is ready.The Lindley acreage is divided as 2 separate leases. The A lease consists of 3 wells drilled to the Canyon Sands and are each located on 40-acres in section 60.The Lindley 6103 is one well on 40 acres in section 61. The total acreage for the Lindley leases including options is 1860 acres in sections 60, 61, 34, and 36. The company continues to review logs and well data from nearby acreage and a leasing campaign has begun. Over 100 separate leases have been reviewed in a 30 square mile area and we are now updating the production data for all leases identified.