Pesticides Q&A for cannabis patients and consumers
Post# of 179
Reading about the various chemicals and damaged plants... a lot (about 40% in California last year!) of the growings never reach the consumer. Certain approvals from state/goverment labs have a strickt controlled regulatory framework. Then we have moult, insects etc - probably not even half of the crop get`s approved for selling.
The segment of organic cannabis is a strong brand indicator - the trend is we get more and more into "clean" products. As example; Germany, the largest population in europe, are very picky on this... organic/ecologic etc (no synthetic chemicals as the common factor) cannabis there will be a huge market, now when they ease up the regulatory laws for access to it.
We are on the right way, despite share price is struggling - this "nische" with organic; it will start pay off bigtime, many indicators this market is growing globally as more countries follow the canadian model or similar.
With TGOD export now approved , I think it will be a important stream of revenue now coming year. With new people who know how to make it big.