BBRW Set those orders for Pennies! $$$ Year-End
Post# of 37785

Year-End Statement From BrewBilt Chairman Jef Lewis; $35M in Sales
8:00 am ET December 17, 2020 (Globe Newswire) Print
via NewMediaWire -- Today BrewBilt Manufacturing Inc. (the "Company"

Chairman Lewis stated, "BrewBilt Manufacturing has made historic progress as it rounds the corner of leadership and success in the craft-brewing industry. With record sales, the company has cleared a path toward achieving a goal for 2021 of $20M in immediate revenue and $15M in new market revenue with brewery system sales. Despite Covid set-backs, we maintained constant growth while managing shareholder growth strategies concerning dilution and market-cap."
"We currently have a positive 4th quarter in reporting revenues and reducing derivative debt. This increases value on our balance sheets, and we will maintain a more aggressive share buy-back first quarter of 2021. Our strategies include a triage approach to increase revenue that will assist to expedite reducing $5M in dilution. The triage includes i) our global advertising program with leading industry journals that started in 2020 and will carry through 2021, ii) over $20M in pending orders from customers who were put on hold due to Covid restrictions with new advertising revenue of $15M, and iii) cross-marketing new revenue and driving more business to BrewBilt Manufacturing from BrewBilt Beverages. BrewBilt Beverages will contract-brew for new customers seeking to test market their own craft brand prior to purchasing their own brewery."
"To summarize 2020 compared to 2021, BrewBilt Manufacturing has $1.5M this quarter in deliveries of brewery systems to customers, and in the first quarter of 2021 will have approximately $20M in revenue from delayed orders due to Covid. The company will finalize the share buy-back obligation of $5M in the first quarter 2021. In 2020 the company negotiated a European distribution and will begin building its first location in Finland first quarter 2021. In 2020 the company launched a successful advertising and marketing campaign with leading industry journals, including "Pizza Today", "Food & Beverages", "Beverage Master" and "New Brewer" which created $1M in new revenue in 60 days. In 2021 the company expects $15M in new revenue from this advertising program, as we have created a new market in the restaurant industry that is highly interested in creating more profits and branding of their own beverages. BrewBilt Beverages will be established in the first quarter of 2021 to offer contract private-label craft beer to these new customers as a conduit to selling more brewery systems through BrewBilt Manufacturing."
"We want to express our sincere thoughts to all of shareholders and their families during this holiday season. We send our condolences to families who have lost loved-ones during Covid. We will continue to do our very best to become the gold-standard in the craft-beer industry. Sincerely, Jef Lewis, Chairman and CEO."