I think everyone is overestimating the off-label effect. Or at least the speed with which it will affect share price. While it makes sense, and it will happen, it’ll take a lot of time for the average provider to get fully acquainted with the science across conditions. Just look at how far we still fly under the radar. But perhaps even more so will be the issue of availability. Countries aren’t going to be buying us out of vials and just leaving them in pharmacies on a first come, first serve basis. They’ll be directed to specific places and patients until further down the road when vials are more readily available. That may not be until late 2021 or 2022. But I do think it will become a big thing at that time. If cancer is still unapproved, or hiv label extensions haven’t happened, there would be some strong interest there. With some time, and an effect on longhaulers, we’d see a lot of other similar conditions see rapid uptake of off-label use. I just think vial availability will make it very difficult and a majority (2/3rds the bell curve) of doctors will be slow on the trigger for a new drug.