Last Annual Shareholders meeting was October 25, 2
Post# of 36537
As for the NGIO IPO, timing is everything. I’m not an expert, but I do know that December is the month that is used to dump looser stocks for tax purposes. But I don’t know if this would have an effect on an IPO’s success/valuation. With the GNBT share value being handcuffed at .20/.23, I also wonder if this has to do with the Long-term vs Short-term Capital Gains/Losses. Factor in the 30 day Wash Sale Rule… My guess is the GNBT pps will continue to be handcuffed until/thru January regardless of any news. As I used to tell my kids, asking “Are we there yet?” every five minutes won’t make the trip any faster. So I suggest, metaphorically speaking, enjoy the scenery, play a game (slug bug, if you want to feel some pain), count the cows… I believe we will get to our destination soon enough.