$GTCH In order to achieve faster performance some processors contain more than one ALU. An example of this is an ALU for fixed-point operations and another included for floating-point operations. The ALU is a critical block within the CPU since the entire computer system's performance depends on the performance of the Arithmetic/Logic operations. Modern CPUs have multiple ALUs with a capability for applying multi-processing operations in order to increase their throughput. GBT’s patent application seeks to cover a new ALU system and method with the goal of increasing the speed of instruction handling, arithmetic and logic computing processes. GBT believes that using multi-ALUs will increase CPU performance and in turn potentially lead to new, powerful computing systems and architectures. The presented concept includes new architecture circuitries and data flow to be executed in a specific way with the goal of achieving higher processing speed. The patent application covers ALU instructions that can be executed individually and/or in parallel.