There was a concern expressed ( now deleted) that when Mark replied to a question here over a month ago and mentioned USAF envolvement in his response and to my inquiry a couple days ago about the DOD SBIR phase two results it could jeopardize that contract (in accordance with the Federal Confidentiality Statement provisions). Mark's mentioning that on this public message board IMHO indicates that is no longer an issue. In phase one sure, it makes perfect security sense. You'll recall I found the phase one $50,000 announcement only mentioned on the site. When the $2 million phase two CROMTEC-CSI contract was signed they and our vendor (CSI) issued the PR gimli found and posted here (thanks gimli). I was so excited about that I wrote here " gimli, you struck gold!". The upshot is with a very public disclosure like that, the Federal Confidentiality Statement no longer applies. So, don't worry about contract cancellation unless EPL fails to meet operational requirements during SBIR phase two testing. GLTA.