Post# of 63773

Despite the increasing world-class interest being generated by Rovina Valley’s huge promise, an enormously persuasive argument for Euro Sun’s undervaluation exists elsewhere.
With a market cap of C$53.2 million, it is presently valued at just C$5.30 an ounce – far below the $20/ounce usually commanded by projects of such size and advanced status.
After its recent recapitalization through May’s placing, Euro Sun is now in a better position than ever to close this gap – and this could be just around the corner.
The firm is confident this money will see through the completion of all of the work needed to deliver a bankable feasibility study and get Land and Project Urbanization Certificates for Rovina Valley before end-2020 .
Why is this so critical?
Because Rovina Valley will be construction-ready at this point, and Euro Sun’s focus will shift onto winning debt financing and construction permits.
With the support of financiers and the Romanian government on its side, Euro Sun’s long-term future at Rovina Valley is looking very bright.
As it pushes through these critical near-term project milestones against such a hot gold market backdrop, the inevitable re-rate can only be prolonged for so long.
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