Southbill, the $50 million from Oasis is for buying the NGIO stock not GNBT. The NGIO S-1 page 6 under the heading “The Transactions under which the shares included in this Prospectus may be or were issued Oasis” appears (in my limited legalese) to state that this is for the IPO. I see it as a way of guarentteing that NGIO gets the minimum of $50m for their IPO. The 300,000 shares offered to Oasis are also NGIO. As for the holding company GNBT, I ask this: let’s say a house with all its contents is up for an auction. When doing the pre-auction inspection, you notice fifty bars of gold under the bed. How high would you be willing to bid in order get that house? How high will someone be willing to bid (OTC ask) for GNBT shares once the 300+ million NGIO shares have a PPS value? Until that happens, the GNBT share price will probably not change much.