Now that we know the trial is continuing on, I'm hoping that Nader starts signing some deals. If we're to believe (and I do) that being told to continue the trial is a positive sign that it will reach its primary endpoint, then it should be a clear sign to anyone considering a partnership that the train is leaving very soon. At least very soon in terms of drug development timelines. In other words it should be less of a gamble at this point for a company looking to partner or acquire some level of stake in the future of Leronlimab. It would bring in much needed cash, boost share price (which would probably immediately translate into a Nasdaq uplist), and make me feel less like Charlie Brown getting the football yanked away at the last minute by Lucy over and over again. Yes, the football keeps getting placed back down a few weeks later and there continue to be no signs that the football will go away permanently, but when do we finally get to kick the friggin' football?!
I'm also still holding out hope that some smart country steps up and makes a deal soon.