nothingspecial I shouldn't give a thumbs down without my opinion. It seems to me, and believe me I'm no expert, but this subject has been brought up from time to time. This seems to be position of someone that has the lack of patient stance or those that don't have any patience at all(my wife). I admit that the process, be it not perfect and seems tainted has pretty much been as efficient as can be based on science and only science. Yes anytime their is human interaction, be it political or not, the FDA standards seem to be the most trustworthy in the world(not promoting them). Why else would most countries wait for their results before enacting drugs or procedures into their countries? With saying all that, maybe in the future with certain indications LL may work as a possible combo therapy. But to offer that as a solution to being impatient I believe is wrong because if the science is right, it's right! Hang tight, the science is coming!