Company Announcement no. 65 – 2020 Copenhagen, October 03 rd , 2020

Termination of Liquidity Provider Agreement

GreenMobility has terminated the Liquidity Provider Agreement with Arbejdernes Landsbank.

Arbejdernes Landsbank will continue to act as market maker up to and including 16 October 2020.

For further information:

Anders Wall, VP Investor Relations GreenMobility, phone: +45 2540 3020, mail: GreenMobility A/S, Landgreven 3, 1301 København K, CVR: 35521585,

Certified Advisor NORDEN CEF ApS John Norden Kongevejen 365, DK-2840 Holte +45 2072 0200

G reenMobility offers modern urbanites easy, flexible and sustainable transport in the form of electric, shared city cars. Users have access to these cars via the GreenMobility app. Trips are paid per-minute. Today, GreenMobility operates 400 EVs in Copenhagen;   200 EVs in Malmø and Gothenburg, and 100 cars in Aarhus together with our partner NRGi. More than 100,000 people have signed up with GreenMobility.

Driven by global megatrends, GreenMobility sees a rapidly growing market for car sharing in large cities, that demand green transport for their citizens and aim to reduce the number of private cars. GreenMobility’s ambition is to be among the leading global operators of green shared mobility solutions. GreenMobility is listed on the Nasdaq First North GM in Copenhagen.
