You’re accusations are typical: accuse a legitimate shareholder of being a short (or in this case, accusing me of being a former employee that is now a mod?) because you don’t agree with my opinion. I’ve been an investor since 2015, much longer than 95% of this board. I bought my first shares in the .95 range, then around $1.40, and then followed as it tumbled to .30 and loaded up with shares. Go look me up on IHub and you’ll see my posting history, which precedes any of these lawsuits. You’re the first poster to make a claim that myself or another poster is a former employee who’s involved in a lawsuit and my hat is off to you because it’s creative. But you can take your foil hat off because I’m not a former employee of CYDY.
I’m entitled, like every other investor here, to my opinion. No, my opinion at the moment (no on the compensation package and that NP needs to be removed), is not the popular one but it is my opinion. You’re welcome to argue against my opinion as I’m always open to feedback, but I assure you you’re wasting your time and energy accusing me of being a former CYDY employee.