Trading Summary / Outlook - September 8. A sati
Post# of 7026
A satisfactory status quo day for long-term traders of $SKDI who were able to see yet more examples of the modus operandi I outlined here:
based on detailed observation since November 2019.
At the open, people failed to hit the ask aggressively enough - I have repeatedly stated the need for this for over 10 months now !
Accordingly, the manipulator(s) put the 1.9M that had been cancelled from .0083 on Friday back up and waked it down to .0080.
The majority was subsequently bought out.
All significant action was reported in contemporaneous earlier posts.
Overall, 3.6M shares were bought today in the tight range .0077 > .0085 - the majority on the ask.
There was no excuse for people not significantly increasing their inventory of shares at a variety of bid and ask prices that will all come in handy for trading on surges when short-term interest joins in - these profits can be used to convert the cost basis of core long-term shares to "free" - and adding to keep cheaper lots as the core.
$SKDI will remain the #1 Top Profit Pick on my Watch List for the whole of 2020 and 2021 and my main priority for trading over the next month at least.
One of the main traders / supporters of $SKDI has stated that he intends to buy 10M shares of $SKDI this week - using profits recovered from other stocks:
"Ok traders..let's make this run this week. BUY BUY BUY..and I don't mean N'Sync!! I personally will be buying 10 million shares, if I can get them filled!!"
I replied:
"$SKDI You should set a market order for 5M set at .02 and see what happens - then follow it up with another if anyone undercuts the ask. It would be the mother of all hail mary buys - and probably wouldn't get completely filled as the long term share holders know what they have !"
So watch out for those hail mary buys - and don't be slow if you want to add more too !
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A very apposite motto for those who trade successfully in the OTC market..
All posts are my opinion - trade at your own risk.