Last post of the day. I've sent messages about a premium membership before but haven't heard back on the matter, but I imagine we are so close with UNVC that it doesn't even matter anymore. Plus I work 6 days a week. But out of curiosity I decided to visit IHUB and see what beverage man is up to. Every single one of his posts, in his history of posting, is about UNVC. Every single one. That is beyond bashing and is something else completely disturbing. Now he is saying why billionaires are responding to Dr. Dalton at all when we're trading at .03 a share. This is part of the reason I ignore people like this and rarely ever visit IHUB anymore. It is just an ugly extension of Ragingbull to me. It is beyond sickening to me that there are so many people like him that do this for a living. It is mind numbing to me. Man, oh man, I just hope Dalton has all of his ducks lined up right here and right now. Like now now. So these lying crooks get what's coming to them. Bashing is one thing. But slander, including racism??? That needs to be reported and then proper suspensions need to be implemented and so forth. How this can go on should be labeled criminal. I'm so stressed and pissed lately. But if I read what these individuals post on a regular basis, I think that would really put me over the top. I honestly don't know how some here can stomach what they post, without putting them on ignore. Getting ready for work now. Hope it isn't for much longer at all now. Literally counting the minutes down as I'm about to post this. Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Labor Day Weekend.
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