Los Angeles, California, Sept. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- New Book by  Vijay Jojo Chokal-Ingam  -  Coronavirus COVID-19  

A new book titled  Coronavirus COVID-19 Originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology  provides evidence and analytical research to support US Secretary of State  Mike Pompeo’s  and Senator  Tom Cotton’s  claims that the pandemic is related to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

“There are  1.4 billion people  in mainland China, and only  one human-focused BSL4 lab  for virus research: the WIV. It is statistically highly unlikely that COVID-19 would emerge in such close proximity to the lab by natural causes alone—especially given that initial suspicion about COVID-19 originating from a  Wuhanese ‘wet market’  was disproved by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,” says author Vijay Jojo Chokal-Ingam.

According to geneticists and virologists, COVID-19 is closely related to coronaviruses common in  horseshoe bats , a species of bat that lives one thousand miles away from Wuhan in the Yunnan Province of China. “This is extremely suspicious because Yunnan is where the  WIV obtained  many of its bat coronavirus specimens,” says the author. The book analyzes the origin of COVID-19 as it relates to China’s geography, demographics, ecology, legal system, and culture. 

The book also investigates a very concerning chain of events that occurred before the outbreak. The book delves into weaknesses in safety standards prevalent in some medical research universities, such as the WIV. “Laboratory accidents that result in the release of a coronavirus pathogen are not unprecedented,” explains the author. “There are at least  three documented instances  of coronavirus SARS escaping from a research laboratory.”

For more information on the book, visit  CoronavirusExplanation.com

Coronavirus COVID-19 Originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology  is available on Amazon, Kindle, and Apple Books.

About the Author

Vijay Jojo Chokal-Ingam is an expert in medical education who has appeared on CNN, FOX, MSNBC, and China Central Television. Jo wrote his master’s thesis at UCLA on the healthcare policies of the Chinese government. He also previously worked at the Division of Infectious Diseases, Allergy, and Immunology at Saint Louis University School of Medicine (SLUSOM). In 2017, Jo filed a complaint against SLUSOM with the oversight body for American medical schools, which subsequently placed the school on probation for eighteen months. He has been called a “health education expert” by the People’s Republic of China.

Email:  rachel@coronavirusexplanation.com

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