New York, Sept. 05, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Do you ever have days where you dread going to work? Maybe there’s a big task you’re dodging, or are simply burned out. Carley Zuercher says it doesn’t have to be that way, and she learned to put the fun in business again. 

In fact, she found that when she stopped obsessing and controlling every aspect of her work life, she found she enjoyed her businesses even more. She’s no slacker when it comes to work, in fact, she runs three businesses.  Carley was born into a family of entrepreneurs and found herself following the same path from a young age. Today, along with her self-starting business mind, she also has a degree in Entrepreneurship, along with multiple certificates. She’s certified as a Magnetic Coach ®, certified in Life and Success Coaching, Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Emotional freedom technique (EFT), TIME Techniques™, and Clinical Hypnosis. 

One of her main businesses is one she runs with her husband, Twocan . They not only host a podcast about business (Tipsy Business) but also offer courses and ebooks for those working with Pinterest and Etsy shop owners. She helps them understand why their stores aren’t bringing in sales as they hope with tips and actionable steps, along with available audits. She also helps business owners up their Pinterest game, as it plays such a large role in bringing traffic to sites, including her own. 

Then, there’s the business she runs with her friend, Design by Laney, and a wedding invitation business with her mother. Between the three businesses, she found herself focusing too much on things that weren’t making her happy. She put the fun back in her business by focusing on the tasks she had at hand when they felt right. Rather than forcing herself to follow a rigid schedule, by allowing a more natural flow, she found she enjoyed herself more. 

Carley also says her ability to be relatable and not too stiff and serious helps her podcast listeners connect with her. At first, she thought her relaxed style might turn people off, but instead, she found that people were grateful to hear she was just like they were and still got it all done. She says being uniquely herself is her superpower, and was a benefit when at one point she worried it would hold her back. 

You need to find what works for you. Every business is different, though one thing she points out is that too many people, especially creatives who have Etsy shops fall into a trap of treating their store like a hobby, rather than a business. This can hold you back. She’d love to help you grow your bottom line either through her audits or with courses and ebooks she offers. 

Reframe your life and figure out what you want out of it. Once you know where your priorities are, you can build the life you want while still getting everything accomplished. Ask yourself what needs to get done, and what things can wait until you’re ready to tackle them? Sometimes, it’s not as life-shattering to send an email out one day later if that’s what happens. Let go of the intense need to control every tiny element in your business, and you may find yourself having more fun once again. Respark your energy and love your work. Do things your way and know that you’ll get everything accomplished because you care. A lot of the pressure we hold is self-dictated, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Instagram URL:

Company name:

Twocan, LLC:

CZ Invitations, LLC:

Carlane, LLC:
