$INKW Lenny Greene, CEO of Greene Concepts conveys, We are honored to partner with the Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians' Pit Stop and I plan to join them in a face-to-face celebration down-the-line once the current national health crisis improves. Their success is Greene Concepts success and we are very appreciative to sell our BE WATERTM brand at this choice location. The Santa Rose Pit Stop has set aside a dedicated cooler inside their store exclusively for our BE WATERTM products. This beverage cooler contains a 1920 X 1080 plasma television screen mounted above it to showcase our companys logos and videos on a continual advertising loop to maximize awareness and to set it apart from other brands. As we grow as a company, we plan to do everything possible to help expand the awareness and overall sales of the Santa Rosa Pit Stop while continuing to honor them as our first retailer.