The team is only as strong as the bench to back them up. Our bench (bod) is weak. Glad the missionary has left. Guessing that those who put money initially up front got the board seats and shares each year as compensation. Dr Faro's addition is a plus. Need more with credentials and experience in diagnostics or making things happen. John C is successful in his field but your right. I haven't see anything given of value to the companies growth. Dr Rodgers would have been a great addition also. Oh well. Need people who will push back when necessary and not submit to the ceo. I understand the company can't produce to scale but they should be able to produce to their limit and sell even without eua. I don't ever see expansion in the cards. Find a buyer for the co and close the doors. At least that would give shareholders a chance. Waiting on the full patent has nothing to do with anything, we have it pending. My daily rant.