Here is the response I posted today in response to
Post# of 151031

There you go again, for the tenth time, dissing Cytodyn.
You have been imploring your followers not to invest in Cytodyn, or to sell their holdings, during a time when the stock price ran up 1000%.
So whatever you are selling, the market isn't buying.
Your latest attack on Cytodyn is as unfounded and baseless as the nine that preceded it.
The Leronlimab safety results you call unimpressive were actually far superior to those of Remdesivir, the drug you (and Dr. Fauci) constantly tout.
Your main point of contention seems to be not so much that Leronlimab's Covid safety data is not impressive, which it clearly is, but that it was not accompanied by efficacy findings you claim were promised by CEO Pourhassan. From this, you deduce, the efficacy results must be bad or else they would have been disclosed.
However, as the company states in its press release, the efficacy data is being analyzed, and will soon be disclosed. Given that the data on 86 Covid patients was only unblinded this past Friday, two business days ago, it is unrealistic to expect a detailed analysis of the numerous efficacy endpoints at this early stage. As a long time biotech writer, I assume you know this.
Your supposition that the Leronlimab efficacy endpoints are too easy to meet, and pale in comparison to those in the Remdesivir trial, is not only wrong, but ignores the fact that when Remdesivir missed its primary endpoints, it changed them mid-trial. Thus, all of the Remdesivir endpoints you chide Cytodyn for not utilizing in its trial, such as supplemental oxygen, intubation, and mortality, were changed mid-trial to time to leave the hospital (an unimpressive savings of four days, for those patients who survived).
This change in primary endpoints was necessary because Remdesivir, an anti-viral, did not reduce the viral load in Covid patients, and, not surprisingly, had no benefit on mortality.
Leronlimab has proven, in treating over 65 seriously ill COVID patients at numerous well-respected hospitals including Montefiore and UCLA, who were administered this monoclonal antibody out of sheer desperation, that it is highly effective in saving lives.
If you don't believe me, just review the press releases from the treating physicians all of whom, along with Dr. Bruce Patterson, who analyzed the blood data, have lauded Leronlimab for both its safety and effectiveness. In fact, just last night Dr Patterson stated on Dr. Been's podcast (who you dismiss as a "You Tube Doctor), that Leronlimab is so effective in treating COVID that it should be "stockpiled."
So before you cause your short followers to lose even more money in betting against Cytodyn, I would suggest you do some real due diligence. Absent such diligence, your tenth short attack on Cytodyn could be your last.