nmre1stckpckr said: "This is what happens when
Post# of 151348

"This is what happens when you have an elitist societal class that is largely successful in its effort to keep a large population of this Country uneducated."
I have a very different take on the situation. Many argue for herd immunity because that is the politically expedient and personally easy way to deal with the pandemic.
Big challenges require work to overcome. Many prefer to pretend that this will all go away and that somehow the disease will only impact others.
Any who have worked in medicine know the world doesn't work that way. Thus the term "bitter medicine", unpalatable but necessary.
Outrageously galling that politicians speak of achieving herd immunity by allowing the disease to tear through the population at uncountable cost, but will not support the safe acquisition of herd immunity through vaccination.
It is patently absurd that those who thumb their noses at the recommendations of the medical community expect that same community to come to their aid when they are stricken by the same disease they dismissed.
I'm a paramedic. My sister-in-law is an RT. I'm sure there are other health care professionals at higher risk than we, but we're still disproportianely threatened by the dismissive behaviors or others.
Yup, I'm pissed.