CTmedic quote...You are completely correct. Immuno
Post# of 148186
CT, I say, yep, CCR5 research exploded with the Timothy Brown patient in the very early days of gene edits. Hundreds of mAb's flamed out and caused with all sorts of side effects. Massive crash and burns from the Sangamo's of the world added fuel to the fire. Research on the axis died off. The CCL5/CCR5 axis continued to get noticed as out of whack but researchers were too busy down in the weeds looking for some wildly expensive and complex gene edit for the answers.
Along comes Nader and the BOD who allowed the purchase of Pro 140 and voila, it lives, like Frankenstein resurrected in a sci-fi movie. The amount of CCL5/CCR5 axis indications in the last 2-5 years of research is off the chart. Does it mean we can control or cure all of them, no way, not possible. But we do have the top dog in CCR5 block-aid, there is no other like it anywhere in any research ever presented.
The oldest cliche in the book can't be discounted, "where there is smoke, there is fire".....