CGLD weekends are great time to dig into these new
Post# of 104872

The Otto Vein is a vein that has been located and mapped on the property. It is named after the founder of the claim and the grandfather of one pf shareholders. A geophysical survey utilizing ground resistance and pulse electro-magnetic grid surveys was undertaken on the eastern side of the property (the “Otto Vein”). The geophysical survey indicated a wide mineralized zone trending east-northeast from the edge of the road above the outcrop of the Otto vein. Geophysical data indicate that the mineralized zone lies at a depth of sixty to eighty-two feet (60 - 82 feet) and ranges from seventy-three to in excess of one hundred and twenty feet (73 - >120 feet) wide. And geophysical surveys have traced the vein for over 3,000 feet in length to the east with at least one spur of over 500 feet in length turning to the northeast. Samples from areas of visible mineralization at the surface produced gold values up to 2.5 ounces per ton (oz/ton) with a trace of silver. Some points of interest from the Buscar Company website:
"MILESTONES - Our current 10 active mining claims cover 200 acres. Our priority initially is to rehabilitate the existing “Ada Vein” mining tunnel that produced solid results in the past and begin mining operations by the end of 2020. The expected output would be 0.25-0.50 oz per ton of raw material.The milestones for the company are as follows:
1. Rehabilitate the proven existing Ada Vein Drift Tunnel and begin mining production of 5 tons of raw material per day by the end of 2020.
2. Increase daily production to 50 tons of raw material per day by June 2021.
3. Increase daily production to 100 tons of raw material per day by December 2021."
(See "MILESTONES" page of website for #s 4,5,6 and 7. This is a good outline, now let's see how they fill in the details in the coming weeks/months.)