I agree with your assessment that the stock price
Post# of 151347

That being said, an enormously effective treatment for cancers. NASH, immune disregulation from a host of pathogens will help the world in 10 years when Covid 19 is just another “common cold” pathogen.
I am as captivated by the short term as any here, but the long term is truly breathtaking. It is terrible to acknowledge, but I never would have encountered Cytodyn were it not for Covid 19.
I thought that HIV treatment would be be incremental improvement in anti-retrovirals. I’m glad there are many more diligent and optimistic than I that concerted effort and application of science can tackle these previously insurmountable challenges.
There is no doubt that Dr. Pourhassan speaks imprecisely at times, causing untold angst to shareholders. However, his earnest belief in this drug and concern for human life over dollars appears inestimable. It certainly makes me stop and reflect.
Th is weak should be fun. We are witnesses to a huge step toward the defeat of Covid and cancer. Cherish this opportunity. The rest will take care of itself.